
We Need Your Input!

The Gaviota to Guadalupe Trail Study will identify the preferred routes for a continuous trail through Northern Santa Barbara County with links to the coast. With the community input received at public meetings in 2019 and 2020, the preferred trail routes and links have been identified. Please click on the links below to learn more about the preferred routes and share your thoughts, recommendations, and local knowledge.

When:  Now until, October 25, 2020, midnight

Where:  Online presentation (24/7 access)

StoryMap: View Online

Draft Public Report: View PDF

Contact Us:  coastaltrail@nullsbtrails.org

We encourage you to review the Draft Study and provide comments via the online comment feature until October 25th. Please take a moment to review the Story Map as it provides a detailed overview of the proposed interim trail route and spurs to the coast and other places of interest.

Interim California Coastal Trail Study